Breaking the cycle of sexual abuse in our schools

Sexual abuse can happen at any school, even the most elite private schools. One in ten children suffers sexual abuse at some point while in school. A popular teacher, coach or other trusted adult may take advantage of their position. After reporting concerns, delays by administrators and efforts to cover up abuse frequently contribute to a vicious cycle that simply passes the problem along.

After handling these cases for many years, we believe it is necessary to spread awareness of the issue and help victims understand their legal options. Our recent white paper is a start. In addition to providing compensation to the victim, we explain why legal action is often the only way to change policies and procedures within a school district.

This is a complicated area of the law. We provide general answers to common questions, such as:

  • When is it appropriate to file a claim?
  • How have recent changes to California law benefited abuse victims?
  • What remedies are available in a civil lawsuit?

Please read our white paper “Turning a blind eye: Sexual abuse in California schools” to learn more.

If sexual abuse has harmed a member of your family, consult one of our experienced attorneys. After reviewing what happened, we can offer tailored legal counsel and fight for change on your behalf.