#MeToo: What We Can Learn from the Campaign to End Sexual Harassment

#MeToo: What We Can Learn from the Campaign to End Sexual Harassment#MeToo is a social media hashtag that emerged to help victims of sexual harassment and abuse to know that they are not alone. It was also started to let both women and men know the seriousness and the scope of the problem which has dominated many recent news cycles because celebrities and people in power were involved.

The “Me Too” movement originated more than 10 years ago, with a woman named Tarana Burke. An artist and fashion blogger, Burke is a three-time survivor of rape. The more recent viral campaign was started by the actress Alyssa Milano, on Twitter. The campaign asked anyone who has been sexually harassed or assaulted to post “Me too” on their social media accounts, and to share their story. Millions of people have now used #MeToo and millions have posted their stories on Twitter, Facebook, and other platforms including Instagram.

Examples of #MeToo posts

Without mentioning names, the accounts include remembrances of:

  • Being sexually abused when the social media posters were children.
  • Not disclosing the abuse to anyone and feeling that they were somehow responsible, when they were most definitely not responsible.
  • Feeling like they had to keep quiet even though they saw the abuser on a regular basis.
  • Being harassed in response to the clothing they chose to wear.

The #MeToo campaign goals

The hopes of the #MeToo campaign are that the victims will:

  • Get the professional psychological help they need to confront and manage their trauma.
  • Let the next generation of girls and boys understand that they have the right to be free from sexual abuse.
  • Hold abusers accountable for the trauma they’ve caused.
  • To let the abusers know their conduct is unconscionable.
  • To change the dialogue by letting all victims know that they don’t have to be passive about asserting their rights.

Victims of sexual assault and sexual abuse have the right to file criminal complaints. They can also file civil complaints against the abusers for their pain and suffering, lost income, and any medical bills needed for counseling or for medical attention due to physical harm. Everyone deserves the right to be protected from sexual misconduct from teachers, coaches, doctors, religious organizations, and others who have a position of trust. Protection applies to children, those with special needs, women, men, and adults.

The Los Angeles sexual abuse lawyers at Taylor & Ring are experienced in helping abuse victims get justice in the state and federal courts. We respect each client’s privacy and need to be in control of their lives. We demand that abusers and violators be held accountable for their horrific wrongs. For help now, please call us at 310-776-6390. You can also schedule an appointment through our contact form. You are not alone. We have obtained strong and just recoveries in many sexual abuse and assault cases.

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